Are there any testing accommodations available for the state exam?

Yes, the DRE can provide reasonable accommodations for applicants with disabilities.
You must submit a Reasonable Accommodation Request for Examination form along with the following documentation:

  • If your disability is observable, and accommodations are limited to wheelchair space, seating or equipment needs, professional verification will not be needed.
  • If your disability is clearly not observable, you will be required to submit documentation from the medical authority or learning institution that rendered a diagnosis. The following must be submitted on the letterhead of the medical authority or specialist:
    • A description of the disability and testing needs.
    • Recommended accommodations or modifications.
    • Name, title and telephone number of the medical authority or specialist.
    • Original signature of the medical authority or specialist.
    • Professional license or certification number of the medical authority or specialist.

If you have been previously granted a reasonable accommodation by an organization that required documentation to verify your disability, the DRE may accept a copy of that verification.

The Reasonable Accommodation Request for Examination form and required supporting documentation should be submitted with your state exam application.