How do I get my Nebraska real estate salesperson's license?

General requirements

All Nebraska salesperson applicants must:

  • Be at least 19 years old
  • Have a high school diploma or its equivalent
  • Be a legal resident of the United States or a citizen


To receive a Nebraska real estate license. If you meet this basic qualification, you can move through the following seven steps to earn your license.


Step 1: Take the 66-hour pre-license education

All new Nebraska salespersons must take (2) 30-hour Nebraska Real Estate Commission approved courses. These courses must be taught by an approved school or provider in real estate subjects that are not less than 30 hours of study. Applicants must also take six hours in professional practice and standards, known as course 0003.


Anyone who takes the required education at a college or university will need their course completion documented in the form of official transcripts mailed directly from the college or university to the Commission office as part of the application package.


All the required real estate education programs are required to have at least one test, including a final exam.


Step 2: Submit salesperson license application

Nebraska's Real Estate Commission recommends your real estate license application be submitted online. You do have the option to download the application and mail it in.


The license application submission must include:

  1. A passport type photograph showing your head and shoulders that is at least 2x2 inches in size and taken within the last year. Snapshots are fine as long as they meet these criteria. You can submit the photographs separately or as an attachment in an email to [email protected] in a Word, JPEG, or PDF file.
  2. Proof of your high school education or its equivalent. Individuals with a foreign high school education can either submit a transcript from my United States college that shows their education was sufficient for admittance or a document-by-document evaluation report verifying the equivalence of the high school education.
  3. Proof of your pre-licensing education in the form of transcripts or certificates of completion. These can be emailed or uploaded as word, JPEG, or PDF files. They can also be mailed separately or personally delivered to the real estate commission.


The Nebraska Real Estate Commission highly recommends that you review the paper version of its application before you decide to submit the online application. Your application requires information such as your prior residences and employment history for the last three years, any other real estate or licenses that you have applied for or been issued, in any lawsuits or criminal offense information.


Your license application and all its associated fees, including the exam fees, are only valid for one year from the date the NREC receives your application in its office. Your exam fee is valid until it is taken or until one year of the application date.


The Nebraska fees are:

  • $135 for the license application fee
  • $150 for the license examination fee


Step 3: Undergo a criminal background check

All real estate salespersons must submit their fingerprints for a criminal background check. Your license application must be on file at the NREC office before the fingerprint cards are released to you.


Your application will not be complete without the criminal background report. The NREC says that it takes four to six weeks on average after submitting the fingerprints for the Commission to receive your criminal background check report.


Follow all the procedures attached to the fingerprint cards. Otherwise, you could experience a delay in your processing.


Step 4: Schedule your state licensing exam

The NREC will notify you that it has received your completed application. PSI will send an email once you are approved to schedule and take the salesperson exam. It is up to the candidate to make an appointment for the exam. You will be required to provide your name and Social Security number to find your record and set the appointment.


The fastest and easiest way to schedule the licensing exam is to go online to Create an account using the same name and email address used on your licensing application. PSI will search for your record and enable you to schedule the test. You can enter you zip code to see which testing centers are nearest to you and their available dates.


Telephone scheduling is also available by calling (855)-834-8748.


If you miss your exam appointment or late cancel, you'll lose your examination fee and need to reapply to take the test.


Step 5: Take and pass the licensing exam

Bring with you to the testing center two forms of identification. One must be in unexpired driver's license, passport, military identification, or official state identification with a photograph. The second identification must show your name and signature.


The Nebraska Salesperson Licensing Exam has:

  1. National section with 80 items worth one point each. You must earn 60 points to pass and have 150 minutes to take the test.
  2. State section with 50 items worth one point. You must earn 38 points to pass and have 90 minutes to take the test.
  3. There may be 5-10 experimental questions that do not count against your score.


The Candidate Information Bulletin has exam content outlines and the percentage of questions asked in each topic area.


Immediately upon finishing the exam, a score report will appear on the screen. You will also get an official score report essential for your license issuance.


If you fail the exam, you must reapply to take the test through the NREC.


All passing candidates will have 30 days to finish the licensing process.


Step 6: Submit the License Issuance Forms

After passing the Nebraska licensing exam, all licensing candidates must submit to the NREC the License Issuance Form signed by your employing broker and you indicating you agree to be employed by the broker. The issuance fee for a salesperson license is $80.


Step 7: Obtain Errors & Omission Coverage

All real estate salespersons need to have Errors & Omission insurance. You may obtain insurance from any company authorized by the State of Nebraska Department of Insurance. For this option, submit a Certificate of Coverage to the NREC.


The NREC also offers a group plan underwritten by Williams Underwriting Group. The fee varies by the limits of liability you choose and the month you apply for coverage, but the maximum amount for the year is $235. If you use the group plan, the insurer will send verification to the NREC once your application and payment have been processed.


Nebraska Real Estate Commission will issue you an active real estate license after it verifies your insurance coverage.


Step 8: Take 12-hour post-licensing course

After your license is issued, you have 180 days to take and submit to the NREC proof of completion of a 12-hour post-licensing course. This course has required knowledge related to real estate practice, like how to handle client funds, listing agreements, and contracts. NREC course number is 7000. Failure to submit proof of completion will result in the license moving to inactive status.


Congratulations, you now can enjoy the benefits of being a Nebraska real estate salesperson!