How long does it take to get my LA real estate license?

How long it might take to earn your Louisiana real estate salesperson license will vary, but here is a potential timeline:

Step 1: Complete the required 90-hour Louisiana pre-license salesperson course.

  • Most students opt to take the course online so they can complete the course at their pace.
  • An online course can be faster to complete than an in-person class.
  • This step can take anywhere from 2-4 weeks, depending on how quickly you complete the course online.

Step 2: Submit Part A- Initial Salesperson Application

  • You’ll need proof of a HS education or equivalent
  • If you have all your paperwork ready, you can submit within a day.
  • Can it take up to 1-4 weeks for LREC to process your application

Step 3: Schedule and take the state exam.

  • PSI will contact you when you are approved to schedule your exam. Visit or call (855) 579-4644 for test dates.
  • This step can take anywhere from 1-3 weeks, depending on availability at the testing centers.

Step 4: Schedule your background check.

  • Once you pass the exam, order your background check through the state website.
  • Results will go to the LREC. It could take 1-4 weeks.

Step 5: Obtain E&O insurance

Louisiana requires all real estate salespersons to carry an E&O policy before getting an active license. The LREC offers a Group E&O Program. This step could take up to 1 week.

Step 6: Submit Part B of the Salesperson License Application.

  • You need proof of E & O and a sponsoring broker in order to submit Part B.
  • The LREC does not provide an application process time estimate. It can depend on when the state receives your background check. Estimate 1-3 weeks.

Total Time: 8-12 weeks

It's possible to have your real estate license within two months if you get your paperwork in order and are hired quickly by a real estate broker. How quickly you earn your license will depend on the time it takes you to complete your course, pass the exam, submit the background check, obtain insurance, and apply for the license.