How long will it take to earn my MN real estate salesperson license?

The length of time needed to earn your Minnesota license depends on how long it takes you to complete the necessary coursework, pass the state exam, and find a sponsoring Minnesota real estate broker.

You will have to take and pass three 30-hour courses before applying for the license, for a total of 90 hours of instruction. Many people opt to take their courses online for the convenience and ability to work at their pace. You can complete the 90-hour pre-license courses in under 3 weeks if you take the courses full-time.

You’ll also need to pass both sections of the Minnesota real estate salesperson exam. You have up to one year after passing the exam to find a sponsoring broker who will apply for your license on your behalf. You can assume you will need around 3 weeks to schedule and pass the state licensing exam, and then have your license application approved by the state.

Total Time (approx.): 6 weeks