Will the Commission waive my CE requirements?

The Missouri Real Estate Commission will waive CE requirement as follows – with the provision of acceptable evidence and documentation (Missouri Statute CSR2250-10.100(6)):

· The real estate licensee is on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces anytime during the license period, but immediately before the renewal date.

· The licensee has a serious illness or injury anytime during the license period, but immediately before the renewal date.

· The licensee holds a valid law license.

· The licensee is 80 years old or older.

· The licensee is a member of the State/U.S. House or Senate.

· The licensee is a member of the Missouri Real Estate Commission.

It is noted that an individual licensed as a real estate instructor may be awarded credit for teaching an MREC-approved course during the renewal period. Missouri Statute CSR2250-10.100(10).

Note: according to MREC Board Rule 2250-3.010(5), salesperson applications for real estate licenses postmarked between August 1 and September 30 of even-numbered years will be awarded a real estate license that will be renewed in the next licensing period (odd-numbered year) with no continuing education requirements for that first year.